About Us

The Trade company PRYKOP SRL with the headquarters in Timisoara, 2/c Tolstoi str., tax registration code RO18436356 has as main activity object the SHIPMENT OFFICE - ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTATION ACTIVITIES” and performs also as transport agency, by own private means.

Founded 2006, PRYKOP  has developed gradually, covering a various area of the transports within the area outside the European Community, performing regular transports with the final destination in the Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, etc.

Having as resources its own vehicle park, as well as a large scale of sub-contractors and  partners, specialized on certain areas from the field of transportations, PRYKOP  commands  trucks with a disposable load between 1,500 and 22,000 kg, ranging up to a disposable volume of 120 cubic meters.

For the available transportation means, either with  curtainsider or closed box semitrailers, the CMR insurance can reach in case of the freighted goods up to the amount of 500,000 EUR, or may as well exceed this amount.

PRYKOP offers secure and quick logistic solutions, which can be personalized for each single requirement apart, depending on the category of freighted goods:

• General goods;
• Dangerous goods (ADR) and refrigerated goods:
• Oversized goods;
• Urgent and express shipments.

Our strong side is represented by the international shipment, having as final destination or as departure place the area outside the European Community, namely the former member states of the Soviet Union (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Republic Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Ukraine, Uzbekistan, etc.).

As logistic performances, the PRYKOP company succeeds to perform easily only on the routes Romania-Russia-Ukraine over 1000 shipments during a single year, for beneficiaries from the field of electronics, automotive, wood industry, etc.

A priority of our company is the optimization of the costs and of the freighting time in favor of our customers. That allows us a rational planning, a quick identification of the problems and a correct assessing of the alternatives, in order to find the most suitable solutions.

PRYKOP has as task the development of its activity according to the last generation requirements from the field of logistics, combining as well harmonic as also strictly the exigencies regarding quality, efficiency and  promptitude.